Hot Foot Spells are one of the most traditional and time-tested spells in hoodoo. Hot Foot Spells are used when you seek to drive someone away from you, make someone leave, move out, go away, get fired, etc. In rootwork terms, they are a forceful and effective way to compel someone to leave, without doing them genuine harm. Almost all forms of Hot Foot Spells use Hot Foot Powder or some of the ingredients found in Hot Foot Powder.
Hot Foot Powder
Hot Foot Powder is one of the oldest and most traditional sachet powders used in hoodoo. It is mainly composed of all manner of hot chilis, sulfur and other highly irritating or "hot" ingredients, ground into a fine powder mixed with either talcum powder or cornstarch (Dr. E. Products uses corn starch for our powder base as talcum powder is a mild carcinogen).
Because Hot Foot Powder has such a distinctive color and is easy to see, it's usually best to mix it with equal parts of local dirt to hide its color from your intended target before sprinkling it.
Hot Foot Oil (GTFO! Oil)
Hot Foot Oil or GTFO! Oil (Dr. E. Product's brand name) is an oil version of Hot Foot Powder that is useful when you want to drive someone away but can't get them to walk through Hot Foot Powder. Hot Foot Oil (GTFO! Oil) can be used on doorknobs, keyboards, phones, chairs or other objects that your enemy will touch. They'll get the Hot Foot Oil on their bodies and it will magically hit them on a physical level. Since it is invisible it's best to use on objects that will be handled instead of Hot Foot Powder (with the exception of paper - do not use GTFO! Oil (Hot Foot Oil) on paper as it will wick into the paper and stain it).Hoodoo Hot Foot Spell to Make Someone Move Away
This is one of the most traditional ways of using Hot Foot Powder and it is very effective. Take a packet of Hot Foot Powder and mix it with equal parts of dried local dirt. Sprinkle* this powder across your enemy's doorstep or across the walkway leading up to their home. Make sure to name your intended target and command them to move away, go away or find their blessings elsewhere. I like to say "(So and so's name) with this Hot Foot Powder I burn your feet and light a fire under your ass to make you move away! In Jesus' name I pray! Your blessing lie everywhere but no longer here. Go elsewhere and find those blessings because your time here is DONE! Amen!"Make sure to also sprinkle powder on the ground around the driver's side door of their car, and across the threshold to their workplace if you can find it. If you are targeting a co-worker then sprinkle some under their desk or around their work area. It won't affect the people you don't target so don't be afraid about walking over it yourself.
*A note on how to use Hot Foot Powder: When you sprinkle Hot Foot Powder, walk backward bent at the waist, and call your target's full name, commanding them to go away. Walk an odd number of steps when you sprinkle (3, 5, 9, etc.).
Hot Foot Bottle Spell to Get Rid of a Roommate
If you are sharing a living space with someone and want to make them go away or move out, you need to hit them with a harder Hot Foot Spell and this Hot Foot Bottle Spell is just the trick. Here's what you'll need:- 1 packet of Hot Foot Powder
- 1 empty bottle
- 1 used dirty sock belonging to your target
Make sure to use a dirty sock that has not been cleaned for this trick. It will have your target's sweat on it and this will hit them on a physical level. Put the sock in the bottle and add in about half a packet of Hot Foot Powder. When you cap the bottle pray over it and ask God to drive the pestiferous roommate away from your house, force them to move away and leave you alone for good. Then take the bottle to a river that runs out of town and throw it into the river over your left shoulder and don't look back. The person will run out of your life just like that river runs out of town. (If you do not have access to a river, then you can also toss the bottle into a crossroads way out on the edge of town to drive that person out of town.)
Next return home and sprinkle Hot Foot Powder in the roommate's shoes. Put some in their bedroom under their bed. Put some in their foot powder if they use some, or in their talcum powder if they use that on their body. Put it everywhere you can so that they will constantly be hit with the Hot Foot Powder and be driven out of your home for good. You can even double up by using GTFO! Oil (Hot Foot Oil) on the doorknobs in the house, dripping some in their shampoo bottle or body wash.
Hoodoo Hot Foot Recipe to Get Rid of Coworkers
How often have you been asked to participate in a pot luck at work? This is a perfect time to affect your bothersome coworkers with rootwork on a very powerful physical level by feeding them spells and powders. Just remember do not eat the food yourself - you don't want your Hot Foot Spell to backfire on you!Hot Foot "Aztec Chocolate" Cupcakes:
- A box of chocolate cake mix from the store and the required ingredients to make it
- A cupcake pan
- Metallic cupcake liners
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper
- Coffee
- 1 packet of Hot Foot Powder
- Chocolate frosting
Serve up your kitchen conjure Hot Foot Cupcakes at the pot luck and make sure your most hated coworkers have at least a taste. Make sure to let them know they are Aztec Chocolate cupcakes and they have a bit of a kick in them. Then sit back and watch the magic work.
A Hot Foot Hoodoo Candle Spell
When you can't sprinkle Hot Foot Powder where your target can walk over it, another approach is to apply some sympathetic magic and use a figural candle. These can be obtained in either male or female forms, and I typically use a black candle since I am afflicting the target to make them leave. The process is very simple, and the ingredients are easy to come by. Here's what you'll need to cast a Hot Foot Hoodoo Candle Spell.- 1 packet of Hot Foot Powder
- 1 bottle of GTFO! Oil (Hot Foot Oil)
- A black figural candle of the appropriate gender for your enemy
- Pins
- Crushed red peppers
- Hair, fingernail clippings or a photo of your target
- a plate
Let the candle burn all the way down but keep your eye on it as Hot Foot Spells tend to burn fast and often erupt in flame. Be cautious. Once the candle is done burning, gather any unburned wax from the spell and the personal concerns under the plate into a small paper bag. Take this to a river the runs out of town and toss it into the river over your left shoulder. Don't look back. (If there are no rivers around then toss it into a trash can near a crossroad, and don't look back.)
Hi Dr E, if I want to hotfoot a group of people away from each other, could I use the hotfoot spell?
If i use the hot foot cupcake to make 1 person move will everyone be affected? I just want to hot foot 1 person but i can't get a sock or to the residence
I just want my ex to move out my place but not necessarily my life. How can I do that?
I just want my ex to move out my house but not necessarily my life. How can I do that?
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