Novenas for Strength in Recovery
Because you can't "make" someone be sober, the battle to conquer addictions is ultimately a solo, uphill struggle. You can't perform a controlling spell to make someone stop smoking, drinking or taking drugs - but you can give them the spiritual assistance they need to make the right choices when they are at a crossroads in their recovery. A great way to do this is with continual and focused prayer to specific Catholic saints. Here are two novenas that I've had good results.

Saint Martin is often considered the patron saint of alcoholics or reformed alcoholics as well as those who are destitute and needing help. He is typically depicted (to the right) on horseback offering his cloak to a beggar below him. He is called upon for his assistance in desperate times and to help make the right decisions in recovery. His feast day is November 11.
You'll need:
- A white glass-encased vigil candle
- An image of Saint Martin of Tours (you can print one from the internet)
- Glue
- Blessing Oil
- A photo of the addicted person
- a ceramic saucer or plate
Now for the next nine days you'll pray the following:
- One recitation of The Lord's Prayer (Our Father)
- 10 recitations of the Hail Mary
- One recitation of the Glory Be
- One recitation of The Prayer of Saint Martin of Tours:
Prayer of Saint Martin of Tours:
Dear well-beloved Saint, you were first a soldier like your father.
Converted to the Church, you became a soldier of Christ, a priest and then a Bishop of Tours. Lover of the poor, and model for pagans and Christians alike, protect our soldiers at all times. Make them strong, just, and charitable, always aiming at establishing peace on earth. Amen.
Converted to the Church, you became a soldier of Christ, a priest and then a Bishop of Tours. Lover of the poor, and model for pagans and Christians alike, protect our soldiers at all times. Make them strong, just, and charitable, always aiming at establishing peace on earth. Amen.
Every day you'll return to the candle and pray the above prayers. Your candle will extinguish before the 9 days are up, but continue to pray over the glass. You can, optionally, just prepare a second candle and light it off of the first one when you know that it's going to burn out soon. Those two candles will burn for a cumulative time of about 10-11 days.

Novena to the Venerable Matt Talbot
Matt Talbot is a very powerful spirit to call upon when battling alcoholism. While he is not yet a saint he is one step away from being canonized by the Catholic Church. I've had tremendous success with calling upon the assistance of the Venerable Matt Talbot on the behalf of those battling the addiction.
Matt Talbot began working at the age of 12 at a wine bottling facility and that was when his drinking began. He was a severe alcoholic his entire life and at the age of 28 he went to confession and pledged an oath to not drink for three months. A year later he renewed his pledge and never touched alcohol again for the rest of his life (41 years). He dedicated his life to prayer, daily mass and penitence. He died in 1925 of a severe heart attack and news of his holiness spread quickly. A formal decree of his virtues was on October 3, 1975.
Similar to the novena to Saint Martin of Tours, a novena can be prayed to the Venerable Matt Talbot for assistance in overcoming alcoholism. Here's a great working you can do to help your loved ones who are battling the disease.
You'll need:
- a blue glass-encased vigil candle
- an icon of the Venerable Matt Talbot (Seen to the right)
- glue
- a bottle of Holy Oil
- a packet of Evil BEGONE! Powder
- a photo of the person struggling with alcoholism
- a saucer or plate
First clean the candle by wiping down the glass with some ammonia or Florida Water to remove any residue. Then using a very thin, light layer of glue, stick the image of the icon on the front of the glass-encased candle. Poke three holes down into the wax from the top of the candle and into each hole drip one drop of Holy Oil. Put a little pinch of Evil BEGONE! Powder in the top of the candle, and set it aside.
Taking the person's photo, put a pinch of Evil BEGONE! Powder over their face. Then fold the photo in half away from you. Turn it one-quarter turn counter-clockwise and fold it in half away from you again. Repeat this one last time for a total of three folds. Place the folded photo under the plate. Holding the candle to your heart, pray with all your might for the person who is battling alcoholism. Call out to the Venerable Matt Talbot to help this person overcome the demons he faces and for his mind to be illuminated and his heart to be strong in the face of adversity. Hold the candle up toward the heavens and ask God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit to bless your prayer and make it happen. Then tap the candle three times on your table to seal in the prayer, and place it on top of the plate. Light the candle.
Now for the next nine days you'll pray the following:
- One recitation of The Lord's Prayer (Our Father)
- 10 recitations of the Hail Mary
- One recitation of the Glory Be
- On recitation of the Prayer for the Addicted (below)
- One recitation of The Prayer for the canonization of Venerable Matt Talbot (below)
God of mercy, we bless You in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who ministered to all who come to Him. Give Your strength to N., Your servant, bound by the chains of addiction. Enfold him/her in Your love and restore him/her to the freedom of God's children. Lord, look with compassion on all those who have lost their health and freedom. Restore to them the assurance of Your unfailing mercy, and strengthen them in the work of recovery. To those who care for them, grant patient understanding and a love that perseveres. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the canonization of Venerable Matt Talbot:
Lord, in your servant, Matt Talbot you have given us a wonderful example of triumph over addiction, of devotion to duty, and of lifelong reverence of the Holy Sacrament. May his life of prayer and penance give us courage to take up our crosses and follow in the footsteps of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Father, if it be your will that your beloved servant should be glorified by your Church, make known by your heavenly favours the power he enjoys in your sight. We ask this through the same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
Again, your candle will not last the full 9 days. You can prepare a second one and light it off of the first one, or simple use only one candle and continue your prayers even though the light is not lit. At the end of the working, take the folded photo of the person battling addiction and deposit it at a church door to bring that person to God. You can also put a pinch of Evil BEGONE! Powder in the person's hat or shoes to help them overcome their addiction beyond the work of the novena.
can these methods be used for those struggling with other addictions such as opsessive cumpulsive disorders (even though technical its not an addiction) or sexual addictions
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