1) Need. You should only petition him when you really NEED what you're requesting. Do not petition Saint Expedite for things that would be nice to have, or things that you want. Petition him when the going gets tough and you have no other options.
2) Payment. You must strike a deal with Saint Expedite as part of the petition. Ask clearly for what you need, then promise him that you'll pay him his due wages of a piece of pound cake and a glass of water along with some flowers. Do not pay him before the work is done - only afterward.
Here's how I typically petition Saint Expedite. I take a red glass-encased vigil candle and poke three holes in the top of the wax with a skewer. I then put one drop of Saint Expedite Oil in each hole. I write down what I need in detail on a piece of paper then I dab a little Saint Expedite on the four corners and center of the paper. I fold this toward me in half, rotate it 1/4 turn clockwise and repeat this three times for a total of three folds. I place this under the dressed candle by my Saint Expedite statue. I place a vase of fresh flowers by the statue as an offering - preferably red flowers.
Then I get on my knees and I speak very clearly and pray.

Prayer of Saint Expedite for Fast Results
Make the sign of the cross.
Pray the Lord's Prayer one time.
Pray the Hail Mary three times.
"Saint Expedite, faithful and hard-working servant of our Lord Jesus Christ hear my plea. I come to you humbled and desperate, seeking your divine intercession on my behalf. You who have fought many righteous battles and know the pain of hard labor, help me in my hour of need.
I seek __________________________, for the best of all those involved.
I pray to you, divine servant of God that you assist me now. I offer you your due wages of a piece of pound cake, a glass of water and flowers in thanks once you have assisted me. With gratitude and humble thanks, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen!"
Let that candle burn all the way down. You can repeat this prayer every day until it has come to pass. Once the candle has burned out if you want to repeat the candle burning and prayers you certainly can but it is not necessary. I like to wear Saint Expedite Oil every day when I am petitioning him by dabbing a bit on the bottoms of my feet, on my wrists and behind each ear.
Paying Saint Expedite
Once Saint Expedite comes through with your request, simply place a slice of pound cake on a plate in front of his statue or image along with a glass of cool water and some fresh flowers. I like to leave them there for three days then I place them outside on the ground for the critters to finish off.
Praising Saint Expedite
It is also traditional to praise Saint Expedite publicly once he has helped you. Historically people would take out a newspaper advertisement thanking him for his intercession. In today's modern age of online communication it is common for folks to thank him on a website. You can even post your thanks to him as a comment to this article!
Well, I only petitioned him once, but he didn´t deliver the goods! And I was in a very important situation and I promised him a candle, water and cake.
Just to keep him accountable! :-P
Was it something you really needed or something that would have been nice to have?
St. Expedite is a good friend and faithful helper. On many occasions through the years he has come through when petitioned. Admittedly not always quite as I had expected but come through nonetheless.
By merely praying to St Expedite he delivered the goods. Will be paying him in full today.
Thank you for your comments and thoughts on St. Expedite. He has always come through for me and my husband.
hello, my name is Armando and I want to thank Saint Expedite for granting my request! I had a neighbor who was causing me problems so I lit a red candle and petitioned Saint Expedite and the candle was not even half way through when I found out my bad neighbor was moving out!!! THANKS BE TO THE GREAT SAINT EXPEDITE
St Expedite is just the best!!! I love and praise St Expedite!
St Expedite has helped me again through my college tribulations. I asked him to help me find the best summer internship and he sure has! From what Ive heard from this company it is sure to be amazing! Thank God and thanks St Expedite!
I had reached the end of my benefit year for unemployment and was facing the possibility of have absolutely no money as I still have not found a job yet and am trying to complete a degree in Health information Technology. I petitioned St Expedite and although I got several job interviews (more than I had before) the most pressing & urgent need - the acceptance of a new benefit claim was approved today! Now I can continue my job search and school without losing my home
Glory Be To Saint Expedite! He rapidly came through for my family, even unexpectedly at times. Benevolent Saint Expedite, words can not express the awe and gratitude I have for You. I humbly Thank You for gracing our lives, You have my eternal respect. Saint Expedite Rocks!!!! Believe, if you do, He will come through! From My Heart, Lily
Thank you Saint Expedite for answering my prayers, for helping my cousin's prison sentence not be extended. Much appreciated. Honor to you!
I have learning more about St. Expedite. I am wondering if he helps mainly in financial/legal matters or if he is willing to help in all sort of dire circumstances, even in the realm of human relations.
Thank you St. Expedite for your help.
thank you St. Expedite
Thank you St Expedite for bringing me the money I needed to pay my rent and bills within one week. I am beyond grateful!
Thank you Saint Expedite for helping me, Glory and honor be to you and your name. Thank you
Thank you Saint Expedite.
Thank you so much St.Expedite for granting my prayer today. Thank you.
Agradesco de todo corazon a San Expedito por que se manifesto en una semana bastante complicada y si subio la venta en mi negocio en el transcurso de la novena que hicimos siempre hubo venta. Gracias San Expedito
Soy Gaby Ayala de Mexico
Thank you St. Expedite for coming though for me the 1st time and help me recieve the money i required to keep the financers at bay. I ask you St. Expedite once more for your help I am in desperate and urgent need. Please help me St. Expedite.
Hi :) What do you do if Saint Expedite answers your prayer before the candle burns out? Do you provide Saint Expedite with his pound cake and flowers and let the candle finish burning or put the candle out? Thanks! :)
Thank you Saint Expedite for your help in a pinch. You are always there when in need and expedite requests very quickly. You are always in my home. Thank you
I read so many things... I read that burning a candle with a glass of water and then do the prayer..Promise to pay him with pound cake or roses or both. Well I did that but I used a white candle and I didn't do it on Wed. Will it still work? I have faith, I am a spiritual person.
St. Expedite, I thank you so much and give you praise and glory!! You have answered my prayers. I gained the much needed job I asked for just in time to keep my car and buy food! Praises to you, glory and honor be yours! I will continue to spread your name and good works to others.
Praise be to Saint Expedite! Brave soldier and swift worker, he came to my fiancée's aid in the direst of times. I did not even have the means to properly petition him as we were being pulled over by the police. I poured all of my heart and spirit into an intense verbal petition for his intercession while my fiancée was being questioned in the police car. After about 15 minutes we drove away with no more than a speed warning and a fix-it ticket requiring me to print out new insurance cards. Glory and praise to Saint Expedite, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Praise to Saint expedite thank you for your assistance in granting me, A much-needed positive result in one of my court cases I am a true believer in your swift work although I was raised Catholic and believe in many patron saints somehow you were overlooked. My promise was to give a family that had fallen on hard times with no credit or money a chance to have a home for the holiday while. Paying Weekly until next month when they can pay monthly rent. Both parents now have jobs and I am hoping that They feel the benefit from what you have granted me with a beautiful home with her family. I may have taken a chance with them but you have also with me. Pattie
St Expedite Came through for us in 24 hours. My husband had court at 8am on Friday morning... The judge did not show up! He is amazing!! Thank you st Expedite!
I petitioned Saint Expedite twice and he came through....first was within 2 weeks and the other within a month.....thank you Saint Expedite....
After a year of applying for jobs with no interviews or calls, I finally ordered Dr. E Expedite oil and used it with the directions in this blog. The next day I received 4 phone calls to interview, two days later I was hired at a great job I really wanted. Talk about fast!!
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