Hoodoo is down-to-earth spell work for practical goals. One of the most practical and common goals out there is love magic.
Now, in modern terms, love magic has taken a very "safe" and "harmless" approach to obtaining your perfect mate. Much of the "harm none" and "no magic without someone's permission" ethics that we've assumed as the pinnacles of morality have simply bled over from modern, new age practices and from wiccan practices. Hoodoo, simply put, is not new age and certainly isn't wicca, and has little concern for their ideas about what is ethical and what isn't. Hoodoo inherits its ethical codes from African magical practices brought to the new world by the slaves and carried on by their descendants. Simply put, if you want to get it, then you work for it. I'm not going to discuss what practices are ethical or aren't - I'm just going to talk about some hoodoo.
Old hoodoo spells to get a lover are largely controlling or manipulative in practice. Many of them consist of MAKING someone fall in love with you, or forcing someone to stay by your side in a relationship. Suffice it to say, these are powerful and old magical workings.
Making a Man Fall in Love with You
This is one of the oldest spells in the book, and it is for ladies to get a man to fall in love with you. It basically consists of feeding your lover your menstrual blood, hidden in food. Typically, it is hidden in coffee, or in tomato sauce to mask the color and scent. For this reason, many men in the south were taught to never accept pasta with sauce or coffee from a woman for fear of being "tricked" into loving her; an interesting social value put in place directly because of hoodoo.
Commonly, women will ask if they can do this if they no longer have a menstrual cycle. The answer is yes - you can use your vaginal fluids or even a bit of your urine - but the effect is not as powerful as menstrual blood. When it comes to personal concerns, it is one of the most powerful substances in a woman's body.
Similarly, if you were a man and wanted to snare a partner, you could use your semen for the same ends.
Keeping Your Spouse Faithful
Here's another old one - and its intent is to keep your man (or woman for that matter) faithful. Take a single strand of your pubic hair, thread it onto a needle and sew it into the fly of your partner's trousers. You could similarly sew it into the waistband of her skirt. It will be secreted there and influence your partner to only be attracted to you and only want to have sex with you.
Upping the Ante - Keeping You on his Mind
If you want to keep your partner faithful and make sure that you are always on his mind, you can take a strand of your pubic hair and put it in the hat band of his hat. Whenever he dons his hat, your sexual appeal will be the one thing on his mind. This spell is a great 1-2 punch with the above spell.
Keeping a Spouse in the Home
This spell was originally used to keep a "wandering husband" in the home, but it can certainly be used on women who like to be out on the town instead of staying by your side. Simply take a pair of their used underwear (panties or boxers/briefs), tie a knot in it and bury it in the backyard of the house. Your partner will be compelled to stay at home by your side and want to spend his time with you.
Of course, with any of these spells, the trick is to pray hard and loud for what you want to accomplish. Call out your lover BY NAME, and command him to love you, stay faithful to you, or stay by your side, and do so in "the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!" in the true hoodoo fashion.
Hire Dr. E. for a Rootwork Consultation
If you're interested in having Dr. E. do these and other Old Time Hoodoo Love Spells on your behalf, sign up for a Rootwork Consultation. If you're interested in getting help on these love spells you can also sign up for a Rootwork Consultation for magical coaching.
I know, as well as you, that a Love Spell is a Love Spell; but do you have any advice for those who prefer same sex relationships.
I've heard of Lavender Love Drops but haven't ever used that product.
Carolina Dean
A love spell is indeed a love spell. I, myself, am a man-who-loves-men. I could put some of my semen in food and feed it to another man to get him to fall in love with me. Similarly, I could do all of what I explained in my posting and it would work.
Lavender Love Drops are a product that some retailers sell for use in "same sex" love spells, but I can assure you that there are no herbs that are used specifically for "same sex" love spells. If you want to get a man, you use Queen Elizabeth Root, whether you're a gay man, or a straight woman. If you want to get a woman, you use Sampson Snake Root, whether you're a straight man, or a lesbian.
I think they created that product mainly to appeal to a segment of their customers that didn't have the deeper understanding of herbalism or love spells so they could point at something and say "Hey, I'm gay, and that product says its for gay love spells, so I'm gonna buy it!" If you really think deeply on it, they sell this product for both gay men and women - so that aught to say something about the fact that it's not targeted at ANY specific gender, but probably uses generic love herbs like - lavender and rose, without the more powerful roots like those I mentioned.
is there any spell that can be performed when the partner is at a different place or if we are no longer in talking terms.?
Would tying the underwear in a knot and putting it under the bed work just as well as burying it in the backyard?
Karin: Yes - it would keep him in your bed.
I live in an apartment so I don't have a yard, where is the next best place to put the underwear?
You could also "bury" the tied up used underwear under your bed to keep him home and in your bed with you instead of in anyone else's bed.
May I ask something, there is someone that I'm trying to have near me, stay with me, and to bring back to live with me and we're trying to work things out in our same sex relationship:
Can I bury their underwear in the back yard, too?
If so, do you put it in a bag and bury or just bury the underwear itself in the back yard?
Also, is there a certain time to bury it cause I notice we're headed to the full moon and I think it may be stronger..thats my guess.lol.... we are suppose to see each other soon
I know you mentioned semen, but have you heard if putting pubic hair in someone's food or drink help for to make sone fall in love with you in same sex relationship's?
Also, do you suppose to pray the desire before or after doing the semen or pubic hair in the food/drinks love spells?
You can put semen in drinks right?
to dthomas:
Yes, the underwear works for either sex - just tie it in a knot and bury it. No bag or anything.
And don't put hair in foods - the idea here is to have it easily disguised. That's why semen works because it dissolves - hair does not.
And always pray for your intended desire and name the target that you intend to affect with your spell - for every working, every spell.
First, I want to say Thank you Dr.E for your patience, time and effort that you put into this to bring forth help to others.
Also, I would like to ask this if you don't mind. I'm in a same sex relationship and me and my lover have re-united back with me to work things out. However, he use to live with me, but he is back living with family and whenever he gets back living with them something crazy seems to happen.
Even though he lives with the family if I bury the underwear will he still want to live with me again?
And, is burying the underwear considered as a binding love spell?
First, I want to say Thank you Dr.E for your patience, time and effort that you put into this to bring forth help to others.
Also, I would like to ask this if you don't mind. I'm in a same sex relationship and me and my lover have re-united back with me few days ago to work things out. However, he use to live with me, but he is back living with family and whenever he gets back living with them something crazy seems to happen.
Even though right now he lives with his family again, if I bury the underwear in the back yard will it help him to want to live with me again at my place?
I saw above you mentioned Queen Elizabeth Root for same sex...how is that used I dont know what is is for?
And, is burying the underwear considered as a binding love spell?
to dthomas:
The underwear works in the following manner. It is a personal item tied to him energetically because he wore it and it has his bodily substances on it - mainly, his sexual fluids or fluids emanating from the sexual area. By tying it in a knot, you are essentially "tying up" his sexual nature and locking him into only wanting to be with you sexually. This works for either gender. Then by burying said item in the ground you are "planting him" in that location - magically locking him into that place. Typically, if you want something to "stay home" you bury it in the back yard. If you want something to "come to your house" as in to attract it into your life, you would bury it under or near the front doorstep. In your case you can "plant" it under your bed to keep him coming back to your bed over and over, or you can do the backyard.
Don't get locked up in specifics here - understand the spirit of what you are doing magically and you'll see how the details just naturally grow out of that. The details don't MAKE the spell happen, they are a natural outgrowth of what you are trying to do.
Queen Elizabeth Root's magical power is to attract men. Women can use it, men can use it - to draw a male lover. It isn't specifically about same-sex anything. Herbs are used in the construction of magical oils, powders, mojo bags, etc.
If you want to know more about using herbs in a magical context I recommend buying Catherine Yronwode's "Hoodoo Herb and Root Magic" - you can find it at her site, just do a Google search.
Ha! I just thought of somethng truly funny while reading this post & it's comments...
I have a habit of tying up my chonies (& socks & stockings) before I throw them away. (As in once they are old, or holes in em.)
I have been going thru a period of real low sex drive, for over a year now. I jokingly was thinking that maybe I tied up & crossed my own nature!
Of course, the naming, dressing & intention would need to accompany such a manipulation- but it was a funny thought.(I think I should find a better way of dispoing of my unmentiontionables)
And I LOVE the idea of sewing the hair into the fly,or waistband. Beautiful!
Hello Dr. E. I just came across your blog and I have the same question that Ankita asked on August 9, 2009 7:06 PM and it doesn't seem like the question was answered.
The question was: is there any spell that can be performed when the partner is at a different place or if we are no longer in talking terms?
And if I bury his underwear will that also help me if he lives an hour away? I know you said it helps but I live with my mother so will that affect anything?
To Richomi and Ankita,
If you are no longer with your lover, then you don't need an old tyme love spell, you need reconciliation work to bring them back. In my experience, reconciliation spells work best when there is an open line of communication. If there isn't communication and you are apart, then there isn't much hope from what I've seen. Get the communication going and then there's a glimmer of hope to reconcile.
The purpose of the underwear tying spell is to keep your lover from no longer having sex with others. This works whether they live with you or not - the trick is that it has to be used underwear that's still soiled, not clean. And it doesn't matter where they live.
Oh no! :( Well I guess I should think about moving on then. He just broke it off last night and I don’t think he wants to talk to me. And right now I too scared to call him because I don't want to be hurt again by him rejecting my call. And with him living an hour away it might be even more difficult. But I don’t understand if you use the reconciliation spell or work doesn’t it basically mean you aren’t together and want to reconcile so more than likely you aren’t really talking.
I know.......!! I’m just grasping for straws here and just hoping it will work regardless but like you said there isn’t much hope. I just thought that while it was still fresh some spell will work. Hey...If you have a spell that would make him talk to me that will be a good start.
Richomi: You aren't "not talking" by a long shot, you just broke up. Of course he doesn't want to talk to you at the moment. But now is your chance to apologize and work things out. Communication is the key. If you give up that quickly on a relationship, then you really need to look at how important it really was to you. But advise is not the purpose of this blog, so I'll leave it be.
he doesn't wear hat so i can't hide the pubic hair in his hat. Is there another option to make him think of me all the time??
Hello Dr. E
i am in love with a girl, so could you tell me which love spell i do so that she may fall in love with me?
Hi Dave,
Read through the spells and use your sense of logic to select which is best. I don't give out free spell advise, I'm sorry.
Dr. E.
For the underwear in a knot: do you do it when the moon is waxing or waning?
To Tiajuanamama: It ultimately doesn't matter, but since you're trying to keep him at home, I'd do it when the moon is full.
Hi Dr.E, u mentioned a spell in which if a lady put some of her private hair in a man's hatband, so that the man keeps on thinking about her and love her everytime he puts his hat. But if a man dont wear a hat, in that case if one puts her private hair on his head, will the effect be the same.? Please help
To Isha: I ask you this... how is that hair going to stay on his head? It won't. Simple as that. The spell is as it is written - put it in his hat band. If he doesn't use a hat, then look for a different spell.
Hi Dr E. thanks for your reply. So can u please suggest me some other gud spell than. I want him to love me in the same way as i do. I want him to be very passionate about me. I want him to love me, care for me, think about me, and a desire to have me. Please help...
Hey Dr E.quick question do you have to put the brief under the mattress or under the bed itself, can itbe done at anytime and how fast does it work?
Melly: Don't over think it. Just put them under the bed. Need dictates timing. Speed is up to God.
Hello DR. E
You have mentioned taht if a man offer his semen to girl she will fall in love with him. so can toffee be used in this case?? can sperm be used??
The specific type of food doesn't matter, just make sure it's something that can hide it.
Hello Dr. E
Sir i have a doudt.
Sir if a boy offer his urine mix in any drinks and offer to lady or girl will this work??
secondly for many days this spell works on girl??
Dear Love: If you doubt it, it won't work, so don't bother. Secondly, don't use urine as a man - use your semen, just make sure whatever you are giving her to eat or drink hides it well.
To everyone that has posted questions about specifics in this spell.... STOP OVERTHINKING IT!! Just do it.
I won't answer any more questions about this spell from here out. Thank you.
I don't really have a question about this spell, but something I heard a long time ago about your lovers soiled underwear and soaking them in warm water... do you know anything about this ? Thanks =)
is it possible to draw someone home without used underwear being burried at or near the door step? I don't have ready access to any used underwear and it may be a while before i can get my hands on them.... how can I possibly begin
Hi, I was wondering about the menstrual blood, hidden in food.. I put it in shrimp and grilled it, would that still work ?? thnx for ur time
what if his underwear been washed will it still work and what else can i use if he don't wear boxer nor underwears
Dear, Dr. E I have a question. You mentioned that sexual fluid is a powerful thing, i've also beeen to Ms. Cat's website lucky mojo but, couldn't seem to find a direct answer in the forums. If I were to put the intended persons sperm onto a regular red 12" candle, carve their name on it and blow tobacco smoke onto it while praying would this work even if I don't have any special oils to anoint it with? I've heard of things like this and was just curious. Thanks for your time :)
I have a few strands of my lover's pubic hair. Is there anything I can do with it to make him faithful or make him want to be around me all the time?
Hello DR.E i have tide a knot in my hubby boxer and put them under the bed,in first he was stay in home but now he be gone again and my question is do i have to keep praying over the boxer? And i want to know cant i use the same boxer and bury them in the yard,do i have to say any prayer befor i get them out the bed,thanks
Yes, keep praying on those boxers, and bury them in the backyard to keep him at home. You might also want to look into additional work you can do on him. I don't give out free spell advice here.
Do you do spell services for your clients for a fee? I would like to know what is the most effective spell to get my ex girlfriend back with me. I do own something that she always put on her hair, maybe this can be used for the spell.
I would like to know something- I used to put huge amounts of my menstrual blood in my ex-boyfriends food and drinks...how long does the affect really last, because eventhough we aren't together he still is very jealous and still wants to be with.....I'd be a lot more flattered if his jealousy didn't drive him to be abusive.....
How to reverse if another woman is using menstrual blood or some other fluid on your guy?
How to reverse if another woman is putting menstrual blood or other fluids to mess with your guy/relationship?
Hi Dr!
So my question is if I perform this hoodoo do I have to put my menstrual blood in his coffee,tea, or spaghetti? I'm just curious cause I'm not sure whether he might like those foods or beverages.So basically could I put my menstrual blood in anything that can blend well? Thank you!
I once was told if you buy a pair of shoes for your man he would walk away. I had this happen to me and what do you do to fix it? How do I get those shoes back or fix this.
Hello Dr E i have a question for you. How long will it take for the underwear under the bed go in effect? I took a pair of his use underwear tied it in a knot and put it undee the bed on the floor i did this thursday. My boyfriend of 12ys. Still stay the night out friday and never came home. please help did i do it wrong it on the floor under the bed or do it have to be place on certain spot under the bed. Please help i want my baby back in my arms.
Hi Dr. E.,
Interesting info on the power of menstrual blood. Question for you: does it have to be fresh, or can you refrigerate blood? Any idea how long it will keep? Safe is good. :)
Many thanks,
In order to bury the used tied underwear,do we have to wait for a certain moon? Or can we bury then whenever? And pray alot ,right
Hi Dr.E,
I just had quarrel with my husband and he had hit me so many times. I want to make him crazy and loves me forever and regret for whatever he did to hurt me, never leave home for good, spend time with me and my kids and no more drinking alcohol. so can i have your advise
Hey Dr. E, my same sex lover does not live with me, he lives with his family and I live with my family. I took a pair of his underwear,and want to know where can I bury it since I live with my family b/c of course he can't live here but I want him to have sex with only me and love me. O and the underwear was washed by him as well, do they have to be dirty?
Hello Dr E
I have to ask you about something I read and did. I read that taking something used of the person u want bewitched and putting it under your waist will keep him faithful sexual wise to u, is that true? I took 2 used hankerchiefs and put 1 under my left side breast, for him to love me and the other 1 in the waist or my pelvic area, to be sexually faithful to me, will that work? What do u know about that? And i also took my finger and it had menstrual blood and put it in his coffee and he didn't knowabout it but drunk it all, I believe and keep saying that we will be together forever and married, but he told me some news that if he doesn't find a hood paying job or a place on his own, he will be moving back to Atlanta, GA how long does it take for him to feel the effects of loving and wanting to be with me? And also change his mind about moving? I also have been trying to convince him we can get through this together, but he's a man and want to do it on his own. Please, help me undrrstand what's happening! Thanks. Maria
Dr e. I have put ny menstrual blood in his food but nothing seems to be working what else could work to draw back the old attraction
The old person that used to have feelings for me just disappeard due to women of his past hurting him now I have to pay for their mistakes and I want to bring back the old atraction menstral blood didn't work once I wonder if i should do it again?
hello doctor E i was wondering do you have anyother spells to keep my lover faithful i did the first old tyme love spell but now want to keep him faithful thanks in advance
Hello dr. My boyfriend is rarley having sex with me but i no he is sleeping with other women. Its to the point he doesnt want me touching him.Wat can i do to get him back loving and wanting sex from me and of course cut out the other women.
Dr.E, I don't have a soiled underwear from my lover, however I have a Pajama that he wore many times (without underwear inside) - more times as in more than atleast 5 times without being washed and its still not washed yet. Can I tie a know in this and place it under the bed, will this work. I also have a used sock from him, can I use that for any purpose. Please advise.
Hi, So me and my boyfriend broke up and we talk and we wonna be together where just having ups and down on his part but I wonna work through this and want him to come home is there one to help me there or will the underwear one still work?
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