Saint Expedite can be called upon for fast results when you desperately need hope. He can only be called upon for positive and constructive magical work: getting money to pay your rent, getting a job quickly, getting assistance when you really need it. Like any good Roman solider, he works for pay, and as part of the deal you make with Saint Expedite, you must IMMEDIATELY pay him his due when you receive your results. The standard payment for his help is a piece of pound cake offered to him on a plate (Sara Lee sells a poundcake that's typically used in this working), along with a glass of water, fresh flowers (they can be from your garden, just make sure they are real) and a typically a red candle as this is his color. You can use a green candle if the nature of your work is financial, but I've always used red. I also like to dress the candle with a little Saint Expedite Oil to add some magical energy to the work.
These offerings are arranged such that the glass of water is on the left, the statue or image of the saint is on the right, and the candle is placed behind and between them (like the tip of a triangle). The pound cake can be left as an offering in front of this arrangement in thanks. I usually leave the pound cake there until the candle has burned itself out. Afterward, the glass from the candle can be recycled and the pound cake and water can be left outside on the ground for the critters to eat.
Always ask for assistance from Saint Expedite politely, and when you truly need it. Do not ask for frivolous things. And most importantly, ALWAYS give him his due. Never ask him for help unless you are prepared to give him his payment immediately - he works FAST folks! Also, spread the word about him. Like any good working soldier, word-0f-mouth is one of the best ways he can get more contracts. Saint Expedite's saint day is April 19th. A great site to learn more about Saint Expedite is http://saintexpedite.org.
Always ask for assistance from Saint Expedite politely, and when you truly need it. Do not ask for frivolous things. And most importantly, ALWAYS give him his due. Never ask him for help unless you are prepared to give him his payment immediately - he works FAST folks! Also, spread the word about him. Like any good working soldier, word-0f-mouth is one of the best ways he can get more contracts. Saint Expedite's saint day is April 19th. A great site to learn more about Saint Expedite is http://saintexpedite.org.
You know, I haven't had ANY success working with St. Expedite, not even if I buy the pound cake BEFORE I light the candle. Any ideas why that might be?
Also, general shout-out to you for a lovely site and what looks like a solid line of products. You just made my "Happening Places" list at Sparks From the Crucible (hoodoofoundryblog.blogspot.com).
Will you be at Miss Cat's Birthday Bash and Continuing Education Seminar this year?
The one thing I've observed with St. Expedite is that it has to be something you REALLY, REALLY need - like desperately. I really like him because he's sort of an "un-saint" and being non-catholic, this really appeals to me.
Thank you for the compliments on my products and my site. I just added your blog to the ones I'm tracking. And I hope to be at Ms. Cat's party this year. We'll see!
I was in a rut and needed a little extra money from my college, $4,000 to be exact. I set out to ask St. Expedite for his help. Simply two weeks later I heard form the school that I was awarded an additional $4,000 after my financial aid file had been "placed under review." I know that my prayers have been answered. St Expedite truely petitioned the Lord for me and I thank St. Expedite for his work. Spread his name!
I was in a rut and needed a little extra money from my college, $4,000 to be exact. I set out to ask St. Expedite for his help. Simply two weeks later I heard form the school that I was awarded an additional $4,000 after my financial aid file had been "placed under review." I know that my prayers have been answered. St Expedite truely petitioned the Lord for me and I thank St. Expedite for his work. Spread his name!
Thanks to St. Expedite!
I needed to sell my car immediately to pay rent and pay off some of my debt. I asked St. Expedite for his help yesterday and I showed the car tonight and the guy is picking it up on Saturday.
He really does work for you.
Amen to all your testimonials about the goodly Saint! He continues to pull through for me time and time again!
Bless Saint Expedite!
Glad I found your blog, Dr. E! It's wonderfully put together.
I'm burning a candle to St Expedite myself now & will post thanks here when something happens.
Thanks for coming by SvetlanaK... let me know how the St. Expedite candle works out for you. He always comes through for me. Praise that beautiful saint!
Hey again Dr. E-
I got a job today, and just in time before going completely broke.
Picked up some pound cake on my way home so it's sitting next to the burned out candle and saint card.
Thank you St. Expedite!
My boyfriend took my car and wouldn't return it. Even reported it stolen with no luck. Prayed to St. Expedite and the car was returned within 3 days.
God Bless St. Expedite!
Thank you St.Expedite.
I will be forever grateful to you and Our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ for interceding and mending my relationship and for the many times you have blessed me in the past. I will continue to spread the goodness of your name
I heard of Saint Expedite while I was researching Hoodoo and immediately printed out a photo of him that i searched for on Google. Cut the picture out and placed a red candle in front of it and burned it when I would recite a prayer to Saint Expedite. I will not go into details about what my petition was to him but later on that very same day, the wish I asked for Saint Expedite to aid me with took a step in the positive direction! I immediately rewarded him with a cup of water and I intend on purchasing some flowers to put by the picture ASAP. I honestly have to say, Saint Expedite helped me greatly! Spread his name! Glory to you, Saint Expedite!
Bugzy54: Remember that St. Expedite's payment is a slice of pound cake and a cup of water. Don't forget the pound cake - you don't want the blessings he sent to you to be undone.
Thanks for all the great info here. I had never heard of St. Expedite until last week...and I also had a number of large unplanned expenses come up. I immediately made up a small shrine and asked for his help; today I received two signs that things are going well with what I ask for and so I immediately went out and got him some flowers and pound cake to go with his water. THANK YOU St. Expedite, for your continued assistance! I'm spreading the word. :)
We are definitely believers.
Thank you Saint Expedite for continuing to help us improve our financial situation! We believe with all our hearts that you are the source of our increasing abundance.
I want to thank Saint expedite for his help!!! I was desperately in need of a job and I put a petition to Saint Expedite and a week later I got a job offer and is going great for me now. A week ago I put another petition and he answered me in 2 day!!! Glory to you St Expedite!!!
Glory to Saint Expedite. My fiance really needed money to pay his bills and Saint Expedite answered my petition.
Thank you Saint Expedite for your assistance.
St. Expedite has done it again! Just as I did last year, I asked St. Expedite for help in getting the additional money that I needed for my college tuition. And just as I did last year, I am typing this testimony to the greatness of his work! I just found out today from my college that they were able to meet my entire need with grants and scholarships. I know that St. Expedite helped me with this! As I have said before Thank you and Hail St. Expedite! Believe in his work!
I want to thank Saint Expedite for coming to my assistance in a timely manner!! Thank you and blessed be
St. Expedite I thank you..I ask you for three things to happen quickly. All three I thought very hard but you handled one immediately. I lite 3 green birthday candles dressed them in olive oil and st expedite. I left the pound cake, two fresh rose buds and water and so far one prayer was answered in a day..still waiting for the other two but I believe they are just around the corner. I will tell of your greatness publicly!
You are great St. Expedite!
I was wondering, when my St. Expedite candle finnishes burning out, what should i do with the offerings ie: candle wax, pound cake, candle, glass of water. Should i bury them in my yard like many other prosperity spells?
Place it outside on the ground. The glass can be recycled.
can i use a glass encased candle?
Do I need to light a candle every day until the wish has been granted or do I just light a candle for the initial prayer. Also I have read that you do not give the offerings until the wish has been granted?
Please let me know if I need to light a candle every day.
I humbly give thanks and glory to that most beautiful Saint, he answered my prayers swiftly and loved me and granted my wishes like a Father for his child!
I want to thank that beautiful saint for helping me receive acceptance into a graduate program at one of the top Universities in the world! I also want to thank him for helping me with another interview also for another prestigious institution in the world. Also he has sent some money my way to help me in my difficult time!
St Expedite answered my prayers within 7 hours of my request! He answered others in less than 3 days. St Expedite is worthy of honor , thanks and praise!
I will continue loving and offering him all things beautiful! I will continue to spread his name with glory and honor!
Thank you glorious dearest most precious St Expedite!
Joann thanks St. Expedite for his help in finding a good job. Way to go, Saint!
I didn't need financial help, but I needed help fast. A blackout tonight left me and a lot of people in my neighborhood without lights and air conditioning. I reached out to St. Expedite to end it quickly and I believe he came through. I wish to thank him for coming through when I needed him.
I’m petitioning Saint Expedite about a job (my first time coming to him), and I relayed to him that on the September 30th and October the 4th I have financial obligations that must be met. I also explained that it’s stressing me out since there is no more money coming in the house. He heard what I said, told me what to do, a light bulb flashed over my head, I understood, the stress disappeared, and I did what he instructed me to do for those dates. He is still working on my behalf (this is the third day) helping me with a job, I have confident he will come through for me. I just wanted everyone to know how wonderful Saint Expedite is, how kind he is, how he will come to your rescue, and I thank him for intercession on my behalf, and I thank Jesus for allowing the intercession. “You Are Awesome Saint Expedite.” Thank You!!!
Dear Saint Expedite,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming through for me with my request regarding UE benefits. I KNOW it is because of you, that they approved my claim so quickly. With the government, things NEVER happens that quickly. I made my request on Tuesday before Thanksgiving and it was a done deal by the day after TG, in just a mere 2 business days. And I owe it all to YOU!
I appreciate your much needed assistance. You have my eternal gratitude.
Dear Saint Expedite,
THANK YOU SO MUCH for coming through for me with my request regarding UE benefits. I KNOW it is because of you, that they approved my claim so quickly. With the government, things NEVER happens that quickly. I made my request on Tuesday before Thanksgiving and it was a done deal by the day after TG, in just a mere 2 business days. And I owe it all to YOU!
I appreciate your much needed assistance. You have my eternal gratitude.
Amazing Saint Expeditus! You rapidly, surprisingly came through again for my family! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for answering my plea. I will forever remember Your amazing power & timely aid. As I have blogged here before, Saint Expeditus ROCKS! Respectfully with Deep Gratitude, Lily
Thank You Saint Expedite for the $100 and the 2 new clients
thank you st expedite for helping my mom to get the money for my driving lesson . thank you so much . i am very grateful !
I am just learning about Saint Expedite and doing some read through as i am in desperate need of some help.
I have read through his payment - my question is, if you do not have the saint expedite oil, does it change the outcome/depth of his works?
Thank you for immediate assistance. After praying for several hours, I heard from him. I am truly amazed and in immense awe on how quickly you assisted me. Please continue to provide help towards this relationship. Thank you!
Just did my prayer to saint expedite.... felt really good doing it, as i had difficulty in finding a quite place lol..... Cant wait to see his workings!!!
I came across a post regarding St. Expedite and decided to go get the statute. My money situation is so ugly right now but I made the sacrifice. He was $35 and I got him for half off. I was dreading the $35. He is Italian made and so beautiful. I have seen others and they are not as nice. I have requested something so outrageous but deep in my heart, I know that he can do it. My promise will be fulfilledd to him once my petition is met and this will be the saint that I will use in alot of my work. I know that I need to start working with people and helping them. I know that he will bring me all that I ask for. I will let everyone know just how wonderful he is.
I am now on Day 6 of Novena...... Being in a rut is so annoying when you have others depending on you in life! But i know Saint Expedite hears my prayers and i will graciously thank him for his work!! He will be a Saint i will look to working with for time to come!!1 Thanking you in advance Saint Expedite for you dedicated work!! :)
Thank you very much St Expedite for the fast reply of my beloved
I had not heart of St. Expedite before reading this blog, so thank you to Dr. E for your great website, first of all.
I bought a St. Expedite card at St. Patricks cathedral in NYC, placed it on my alter with my mother's gold charm bracelet with a red church candle to the left and glass of water to the right in a triangle and a $100 bill in the middle. I did 3 our Fathers, 3 Hail Mary's and then the St. Expedite prayer. I was a couple months behind in rent and asked him first for just one month ($2500) . I got so flooded with calls (i am a massage therapist) that I couldn't even take them all, and made my rent in just 3 days !!!!!
I just gave him a little chunk of pound cake and will not ask for the other months that I owe.... one step at a time.
Thank you thank you thank you and bless your wonderful heart St. Expedite for coming to my aid.
Thank you St. Expedite for giving a sign that you do hear our prayers.The day I learned about him, I did the prayer for petition and lo and behold the next day, I hear some great news from my friend abroad, although my petition was not yet granted in full, and I know it will be, it made a believer out of me.When my petition is granted in full I shall reward him with flowers, thank him publicly and surely spread the word about him!!
Thank you St. Expedite for helping me to get a new literary agent and for helping me make a few bucks this weekend. I'll get you your poundcake and flowers today, and tell folks that you've been a big help!
Glory to ST.Expedite and Thank you for help.
Now I need you again with finances. Please deliver my petition.AMEN
Bright Blessings and thanks to St. Expedite!
Thank you St. Expedite for your help. I asked for st. Expedite's help a couple of days ago for a favorable outcome in our pending building permit and today we received it.
Thank you for your many blessings
Thank you st expedite
I've heard many great testimonies about St.Expedite, I've seen his statues when I was very young. It was "funny" when I seen this saint today, because I was looking for a way to make a good deed happen faster to help someone. st.expedite was top of my search, but I've seen him in my minds eye but could not place him/was not listening well enough. I was delighted w/what I've learned. N
I do have a question, I've made a petition...but w/o a offering of cake, other sites ive read said to gift him after your desires was granted. Also is it 100% need to complete your altar with a statue or picture? As my readings varied. All I had were candles. Any light that can bee shared, i will be greatly blessed. Peace, Love, Blessings
Thank you St. Expedite for all you have done and more. My prayers have been answered!
thank's expedite for your help things are getting a little better ! Mabe together we can get things great ! Please keep helping
thanks saint expedite for your help ! i hope the situation can get better and a lots quicker time
Hello and I wanted to first give thanks to St. Expedite! For some reason, even just by looking at his photo, reading about him and really getting to know him has put a calmness over me.
I already feel like my prayers has been answer so, when I get off work I'm going to buy a pound cake so that I can have everything ready for him because I want to pay him right away!
I really enjoy this site, I feel that I was guided to this site by Great Spirit. Also, I believe my Great Aunt practiced HooDoo, (I'll have to ask my Mother to be sure).
I know she practiced a form of Magick and she was no joke! lol
The energy of this site reminds me of her and I have been feeling her presence lately, very strongly and intuitively like she's been guiding me... (but that's a whole nother topic because I can go on forever!)
Anyways, I am enjoying all the magick in the air and I am thankful that I am open to receive this wonderful energy!
May Everyone Stay Bless!
Hello everyone again..
I'm going to wait on getting the pound cake until my prayer/petition to St. Expedite has been fulfilled. (I'm a lil too excited and need to take a deep breathe :-)). I will be make sure that I am ready when that time comes.
Thanks again Dr. E for the wonderful site!
Thank you St. Expedite for your fast and speedy help. My glory to you St. Expedite.
Thank you St. Expedite for your help! My glory to you St. Expedite!
I had no luck what so ever with st expedite tried for 5 weeks went thru 5 candles prayed set up a beautiful alter prayed several times a day everyday since i started praying the prayers to him I have had severe bad luck MY gas utility was turned off I paid the bill I got a pay day loan only for them to take 3 times the amount out of my account bouncing everything in my checking which put me in debt in nsf fees by $800 so then my cell phone was turned off and so was my internet. I got hurt had to go out of work with no money coming in then broke 4 teeth chewing on a pretzel.I had prayed the prayers to him fo money I enter sweeostakes daily have had done this for over 10 years companies give away thousands of dollars everyday when you enter there sweepstakes and giveaways and they choose you as a winner so money could have came to me from this source I spend many hours before work doing this everyday.my house has been smudged with sage done salt baths cleaned my house of negativity yet everytime I pray to him something happens bad within a few hours.I ve been nice not mean to him talked to him to build a friendship wear a pendant with him on a neckless everyday.Ive asked for a certain amount of monet to get out of this debt that my dad and his fiance put me in when they died yet i get more debt and more bad luck
I started a St Expedite prayer for reconciliation with my ex. I heard that he can work those issues as well. Something weird happed the next day. Although it wasn't the fulfillment of the ritual, (YET) it was still interesting. If you don't mind, id like to tell you all about it and see what you think.
When I asked St Expedite if he would fulfill this one love desire. I heard in My Mind " Yes, look for red" So on my way to Work, I saw quite a few Things that were red, I mean it just seemed to Stand out. At first I Thought this was just because I was looking for it so I saw what I was Looking for.
So I asked for a more specific sign and I kid you not. I hear in My Mind's eye this " When you see a coworker with a red garment On, That will be your sign and if you know she is spiritual, tell her this". There is really only one person I Hoped it would be because it Would be very awkward for me to come up to a stranger at work who wore red and tell them this. So as it turned, out my coworker was wearing a Bright red shirt. Unmistakable.
So I told her trembling and tears in my eyes about it. She cried and said that my miracle was her miracle too because she thought God was not Listening to her. We both cried. So I am wondering, do you all think that Is clear enough sign?
I want to thank you, Saint Expedite, for answering my prayers swiftly.
I am starting a new job as tarot reader, and I needed to make enough money for this month's rent of the place where I work, plus expenses. I asked St Expedite for plenty of costumers, so that I could remain above water line. On the first day, I had 7 costumers, and managed to schedule 3 further appointments.
Thank you Saint Expedite, you are helping me gain financial independence.
I want to thank you, Saint Expedite, for answering my prayers swiftly.
I am starting a new job as tarot reader, and I needed to make enough money for this month's rent of the place where I work, plus expenses. I asked St Expedite for plenty of costumers, so that I could remain above water line. On the first day, I had 7 costumers, and managed to schedule 3 further appointments.
Thank you Saint Expedite, you are helping me gain financial independence.
Thank you glorious St. Expedite for helping me with finding employment. When it rains, it pours. I lost faith for a minute and had to restart my ritual but, you never failed me and came through like a tornado. I start work in two weeks and still have job offers that I interviewed for. I will use you again and I spread your name and what you have done for me to family and friends. I will always come to you Father, Mother, God. Thanks for Saints and the power of prayer!
St. Expedite,
Thank you for helping my family, when I couldn't help them myself. Thank you God and thank you St. Expedite for helping me to find income making opportunities along the way. Extra work is involved in all three cases, but it is worth it having to earn my keep and support my family. Thank you again for helping me to keep my children fed. I believe in you.
Thank you in advance St Expedite for my petition. I have only heard great things about you, and will continue to spread your name.
Praise be to Saint Expedite! Brave soldier and swift worker, he came to my fiancée's aid in the direst of times. I did not even have the means to properly petition him as we were being pulled over by the police. I poured all of my heart and spirit into an intense verbal petition for his intercession while my fiancée was being questioned in the police car. After about 15 minutes we drove away with no more than a speed warning and a fix-it ticket requiring me to print out new insurance cards. Glory and praise to Saint Expedite, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Praise be to Saint Expedite! Brave soldier and swift worker, he came to my fiancée's aid in the direst of times. I did not even have the means to properly petition him as we were being pulled over by the police. I poured all of my heart and spirit into an intense verbal petition for his intercession while my fiancée was being questioned in the police car. After about 15 minutes we drove away with no more than a speed warning and a fix-it ticket requiring me to print out new insurance cards. Glory and praise to Saint Expedite, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Thank you St. Expedite for helping me with my financial stress in an expedited time frame. I will be forever grateful. Many blessings and love-K
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