As part of the working, I did a spiritual cleansing to release her from any emotional weight she had placed on herself regarding negative as well as positive things in her life. I called in the divine power, my guides and spiritual totems, and her guides as well. Then as she stood in the center of the room mentioning people from her past in her mind, I walked around her perceiving where the energetic connections were to those people or issues and literally cut them with a pair of empowered scissors.
I followed this up with a spiritual footwashing. I drew a warm metal container full of water big enough for her feet to fit inside of. Earlier I made a bar of spiritual purification soap and had a clean white towel ready to go. I set these up at her feet and began by praying with her hands in mine for God to remove the obstacles of guilt and emotional weight that she had placed in her own path to trip over. I placed her feet in the container and began to gently wash them with the soap as I prayed over them. I relayed any impressions or feelings I got from her at that moment. I then rinsed her feet off and took them out of the footbath. I dried them in the white towel and began to anoint her feet with Blessing Oil. While I gently massaged the oil up from her toes to her legs I prayed for her path to be filled with joy, blessings, love and self-forgiveness, for her to be blessed by God to realize the uselessness of guilt and to embrace the way of acceptance. Once I was done, I took her hands once again, closed with a prayer and embraced her.
While she relaxed and sat for a moment in the bliss of the energy I took the container of used bath water out to the crossroads and threw it over my left shoulder into the center of the intersection without looking back. When I returned she was slumped comfortably in the armchair and said she felt radiant and refreshed.
I sent her home with the bottle of Blessing Oil to use as she felt fit, and I also made a custom bottle of Cut and Clear Oil to help her do her own ceremonies of releasing regarding any past relationships that might still weigh upon her mind.
1 comment:
You know -- I'm reading this and I'm thinking of the odu Irosun. It's too bad we don't have rituals like this in the Lucumí faith to help with release. THIS was beautiful.
Ócháni Lele.
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