Most clients come to me seeking assistance with a common magical goal: "bring me my lover back!" or "help me get a job" or "protect me from my enemies!" But what about those situations where your goal isn't one of the common ones like love, money, protection or cursing? What if you just want to succeed in some endeavor, or do well at something? Well that's where success spells come in.
Success spells revolve around giving you the upper hand, making you skilled at what you are doing, and making you a powerful force that conquers everything in your path. Success spells are great for succeeding at a project, or in a competition, or even for added eloquence in writing, speaking, competing and anything that requires you to outshine the competition. I often recommend success spells to student that want to pass a class, writers that want to publish, lawyers that want to win an argument, or business people that seek to have their proposals approved by clients.
Commonly, magical products blended for success are called "Crown of Success" but I've elected to call my products "Success and Eloquence" because I feel it better communicates the full spectrum of their application.
Here are a few different spell ideas to help you succeed in all that you do.
Success and Eloquence Candle Spell for New Projects
This is an easy-to-do spell that I like to set when I'm about to undertake a new field of study, start writing a paper or creating a new project that I really want to succeed. Start this spell on a Sunday when the moon is waxing.
You'll need:
- 1 yellow glass-encased candle
- 1 printed image or photo of a crown
- scissors
- tacky glue
- 1 bottle of Success and Eloquence Oil
- 1 High John the Conqueror Root
- 1 small chunk of pyrite
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 red flannel bag
Start by cleaning your glass-encased candle with a little ammonia or glass cleaner on a paper towel. This removes any of the residual energy it might have picked up. Next cut the image of the crown out from the background. Glue the image to the front of the candle with the tacky glue. Now drill three holes down into the wax using any pointy implement like a chopstick or skewer. Into the holes, drip a little Success and Eloquence Oil - less is more - don't overdo it. Set the candle aside.
Take your High John the Conqueror Root and dress it with some of the Success and Eloquence Oil. As you do so, pray aloud "I call upon the spirit of this High John the Conqueror Root to make me strong in heart and strong in spirit that I overcome and conquer this situation! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!" Set the High John aside.
Dress the chunk of pyrite with Success and Eloquence Oil and pray, "I call upon the spirit of this pyrite to make my endeavors golden. May my pockets be overflowing with prosperity as a result of my success. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!" Set the pyrite aside.
Dress the bay leaf with a dab of Success and Eloquence Oil and pray, "I call upon the spirit of this bay leaf to crown me with the laurel wreath of success as a champion in (this project - whatever it may be). In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!"
Now, arrange the bay leaf, high john and pyrite into a triangular shape with the bay leaf at the top point, the high john at the lower right point, and the pyrite at the lower left point. In the center of the triangle you will be placing the candle. But first, hold the candle to your heart and pray with great emotion for the success you seek in your project, then hold the candle to your head and ask God to crown you with success in His Holy Name. Now tap the candle three times on the surface, place it in the center of the triangle and light the candle.
Get to task on your project, be it writing or planning. As the candle burns, it illuminates your efforts, guiding you to success. When the candle finishes burning out, gather up the three items and put them into a red flannel bag - this now becomes a success mojo bag for you to carry. Tie off the bag, dress it with a 5-spot of Success and Eloquence Oil, and carry it on your body whenever you work on your project.

Success Spell using Powders on Business Cards or Papers
Another great way of influencing others to your success is by lacing items with magical powders. You can do this to contracts or proposals to have them accepted, or you can powder business cards to succeed in bids for business. You can powder school papers to influence your teachers to give you better grades. Another idea is to powder manuscripts that you send in to potential publishers to succeed in getting them to work with you. The process for all of these is the same.
You'll need:
- 1 packet of Success and Eloquence Powder
- your papers
Lay out all of your papers or business cards face down on a surface. Take a bit of the Success and Eloquence Powder and sprinkle it over the papers. As you do so, pray to God for your success in whatever endeavor you seek. Remember, the harder you pray and the more emotional intensity that you put into the magic, the more effective it will be.
Next, run your four fingers over the papers in wavy lines like snake tracks through the powders. This seals the energy of the powder into the paper. Shake the excess powder off of the paper, and then give it a flick with your finger to snap any residual powder off. Then hand the papers over to the person you intend to affect. When they grab the paper, their hand will touch the back of the card, and they will be influenced by your magical spell.

St. Jude for Success with Hopeless Causes
While not strictly hoodoo, some people to work with the saints in order to assist them in their goals. Saint Jude is the patron saint of lost causes. He is called upon when a situation seems dire or like there is no hope in your success. You can pair together a petition to Saint Jude along with some Success and Eloquence products for a great one-two punch.
You'll need:
- A Saint Jude statue
- A yellow glass-encased candle
- A bottle of Success and Eloquence Oil
- A small charm in the shape of a crown or a St. Jude medallion you can wear
Place the Saint Jude statue on your working surface. Take your yellow candle and drip a few drops of Success and Eloquence Oil into the top. Now, dress your crown charm or St. Jude medallion with Success and Eloquence Oil and hang it around the neck of the statue. Hold the candle to your heart and pray the following prayer of St. Jude.
O most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, people honor and invoke you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, for I am so helpless and alone. Please help to bring me visible and speedy assistance. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (state your request) and that I may praise God with you always.
Tap the candle on the table three times in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Set the candle beside the statue and light it. Every day that the candle burns, return to the statue and repeat the prayer above. When the candle has finished burning, remove the charm or St. Jude medallion from the statue and wear it as a necklace to carry St. Jude's watchful assistance with you. I also recommend continuing to pray the prayer every day until the impossible has been made possible for you.
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