Announcing a long-awaited new product - High John the Conqueror Oil! High John the Conqueror Oil contains real High John the Conqueror root - one of the most powerful roots in hoodoo. It's useful for a multitude of uses including luck, influence over others, success, personal power, love and protection. It's great for attracting a female mate to you (regardless of your own gender), or for stoking your own "male" power. It helps you command the room and gain the respect of others as well.
You can use High John the Conqueror Oil to feed your Three John's Mojo Bag, or you can dress purple candles with High John the Conqueror Oil to conquer your enemies. Dab a bit of it on your temples when you're going to give a presentation to have others love what you have to say. High John the Conqueror Oil is also great for men as a way to restore your nature if you've been tied up*. Remember, "a man ain't a man without a High John in his hand!"
*Do not ingest High John the Conqueror oil!
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